Wednesday, July 12, 2006

A new beginning

As the episode with Hana drew to a close, I concentrated on trying to capture that sort of passion with Nancy. It was something we had never experienced. Nancy wasn't a bad girl, I didn't hate her, infact nothing could be further from the truth. She just didn't have a sex drive. Sure we talked about it, I even suggested we attend counseling or classes, but no matter what I put forward, despite the fact she accepted our position, she was not prepared to change.

As a couple we get on really well. We enjoy the same things, share the same humour and interests. We can talk for hours and have the canny knack of being able to finish each others sentances or more readily say the same thing at the same time. In all aspects of our life, apart from sex we are meant to be together, we are a symbian relationship, each equally needing the other. Nancy has always been very supportive and very family orientated, something that was lacking from my realtionships with my parents and extended family.

I decided what we needed was a break, a change in routine. I booked a long weekend at a hotel, out in the country. Nothing too fancy, just a cheap last minute internet booking. The bags were packed, the car refuelled and the dogs were put into kennels. The time had arrived.


Blogger tm said...

Thanks for visiting my site and commenting. I have never been here before but I like the way you write and tell the story. I will be back to read more.

July 12, 2006 9:36 am  
Blogger Green Eyes said...

Way to end a post! lol OK, I can be patient, but not much!

July 12, 2006 7:29 pm  
Blogger shagnasty said...

thanx both, its nice to know I'm hitting the spot ;)

July 13, 2006 11:30 pm  

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