Monday, July 03, 2006

Second thoughts?

My head at this point decided to take a route of its own, as the break in proceedings allowed my mind to try to register the guilt factor.

I thought of Nancy when we had first met, how her smile and her humour had attracted me, how her nose wrinkled, how I had chased and chased her for months before she had allowed me to even take her out on a date. How tender our first moment had been together, how she had come down the isle of the church on our wedding day with a streaming cold, how we had made love when trying for our first child.

Then I recalled how the only time she had taken an active interest in sex was when she had wanted children, how she never touches me, how she never kisses me, how she is always too busy or too she always has an excuse not too.

I had always felt that our relationship was solid, that in time things would pull through. Before this moment I had never actively sought sex from another person outside our marriage, despite the problems. It just seemed that we would get through it eventually, that it would work out in the end.

But now here I was being led up the stairs, virtually naked by "our friend".


Blogger shagnasty said...

You are right its very hard and ultimately it led to me having this encounter.

July 05, 2006 10:54 pm  

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